Zen Honeycutt, Co-founder of Moms Across America, is lifting her voice and empowering moms everywhere to take on our food industry! As an inspired community they rally to change laws, start local and global organic food movements, and educate the masses on the poisoning of our food system and just what it is doing to our bodies, especially those of our children.
The biggest culprit of the chemical warfare on our food supply is Round-Up and the toxin it contains.
Glyphosate: a chemical in Roundup and hundreds of other herbicides which are  sprayed on 80% of our GMO and many non organic food and feed crops. It does not wash, dry or cook off. Our animals eat the grains it is sprayed on as well and thus polluting our meat supply.

Recently Zen attended the Monsanto Tribunal at The Hague, Here is an excerpt from the blog post on her website www.momsacrossamerica.com.

Monsanto, arguably the most hated company in the world, has a decades long history of poisoning people and the planet. Search online for DDT, Agent Orange, Aspartame, High Fructose Corn Syrup, GMOs and Glyphosate/Roundup and you will have enough material to read for years. Read about what Monsanto did to the town of Anniston, Alabama, where they produced PCBs and almost destroyed the town.

The Monsanto Tribunal, organized by Navdanya, Organic Consumers Association, IFOAM, Marie-Monique Robin, and more, was a people’s tribunal with international judges who will deliver a verdict which will likely influence forthcoming legal judgments. The intention is to create a new criminal term, called “Ecocide” which would make it illegal to poison people and the planet with toxins.

We are long overdue for such a criminal category. According to Will Allen’s “War on Bugs”, since the 1890’s farmers and factories have been using toxins which have been poisoning our soil, water and air. The past two decades have seen a huge increase in the use of toxins. 2/3 of all the glyphosate ever produced has been used in the last 10 years. According to the journal Environmental Sciences Europe, 9.4 million tons worldwide of glyphosate based herbicides have been used on our soil, town road sides, parks, playgrounds, school yards, and food. Glyphosate, the declared “active” chemical ingredient in Roundup, is a chelator (makes vital nutrients and minerals unavailable), an antibiotic (weakening the immune system) a reproductive effector (leading to miscarriages and birth defects), causes kidney and liver damage (28,000 have died in Sri Lanka who came in contact with Glyphosate based herbicides or GBH) and has been linked to cancer (nearly 1000 plaintiffs have filed against Monsanto for the link to non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.) Glyphosate has been discovered, by Seralini’s team in France, however to be one of the least toxic of the 50-100 chemicals in the chemical mixture “Roundup”. The other formulants are 1000-100,000 X more toxic. These same chemicals are not required to have safety studies, and the EPA admitted directly to me that they have NO long term safety studies for the final formulation of Roundup. Hence, the worldwide claim that Roundup and the 700 other glyphosate based herbicides are safe is completely unfounded.
On October 15-16th, 2016, the Monsanto Tribunal brought the people and experts together who have experienced harm from or have researched the impact of glyphosate based herbicides made primarily by Monsanto. The testimonies were deeply disturbing and tragic.

The first two testimonies were by mothers who had used Roundup during their pregnancies and had babies with malformations. They learned that at the particular time of their gestation and their exposure to Roundup was the same time as the bodily function of their child that was deformed. Glyphosate is acknowledged by the EPA as a “reproductive effector.” One mother stated that her son was about to undergo his 51st surgery.  The mothers did not cry or lash out angrily as they would be justified to do so, but tears did well in my eyes, because I know the love of a mother and how much all we want for our children is for them to be healthy, happy and live productive, meaningful lives. These children have been robbed of that future. Their health and their futures have been compromised by the toxic chemicals their mothers were exposed to. This means our country, our planet has been robbed, for who knows what these children would have invented or contributed to our society? Think of Google – created by two boys.

More to come on the radio show about the Monsanto Tribunal and its’ outcome.

Without the conscious movement of community voicing their desires against big government and big corp. the path our whole food system is going down will not change, but only get worse.Let’s learn together how to create change and restore our health!