
As children, many of us felt called to DO something to help our world. Some became dedicated activists. But many of us became discouraged or burnt out from the anguish and the anger of the movement itself. Then some of us found a new way. One such person is James O’Dea, former president of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, the Washington office director of Amnesty International, author, philosopher and international peace worker. James is joining host Beth Green to talk about his latest book The Conscious Activist, where he describes his own journey from mysticism, to outrage, to a mature blending of his spirituality and his commitment to help. James is calling us to work on ourselves and face the suffering of the world and to learn to act from the insight gained from the depths of compassion. The Inner Revolution is the movement of people to change the world from the inside out. Meet James O’Dea, who is doing just that and lighting the way for others to do the same. Tune in, call in. Tune into InsideOut: The Inner Revolution with Beth Green, 6/9 at 3pm PT.