
Marie-Helene Tourenne and her guest Greg Thatcher discuss his path as an artist, and his special relationship with his favorite subject which is trees. Art as a language and the processes involved in the manifestation of a piece of art work will also be discussed. Greg Thachter who has native american ancestry has studied at the University of Victoria, B.C., Canada, B.F.A. with Distinction and University of Saskatchewan, Canada, M.A. in Painting and Drawing. He has been teaching art since 1979.

For him, the direct experience of an artwork is primarily an internal experience, based solely upon our level of consciousness and our mental impressions and past experiences. Experiencing an artwork with openness can provide us with direct contact with our deeper selves and, at times, a beautiful epiphany that reaffirms the divine.

You can hear this episode and may more of Blooming in the Light on demand anytime!