Jocelyn Olivier

Is feeling stuck holding you back from moving forward with your dreams? It’s true that fear and stress can certainly hold you back from going forward but do you realize that your body can literally hold you back from moving forward as well? The Legendary Leaders Radio Show explores ‘What’s Holding You Back?’ with our guest, Jocelyn Olivier, Founder, Director and CEO of the Alive & Well! Institute of Conscious BodyWork at the Healus Neuro Rehab Center in Mill Valley, CA. Creator of ‘NeuroMuscular Reprogramming,’ Jocelyn will talk about fear and stress syndromes and how your body stores these emotions in predictable muscle groups in your back. Jocelyn will then talk about how to get rid of these holding patterns and give you some simple, practical techniques that you can do, to get your energy back and get moving forward again.  Go to and hear ‘Legendary Leaders: Answering the Higher Calling’ Radio Show this Tuesday at 1:00 pm PST, 4:00 pm EST.