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We encounter messages and signs all of the time. We sit next to them… we walk past them… we live with them. Are you following your conversations with the universe? I had them coming from everywhere from the moment I left for NYC. Watch the video… 

In Love, Of Love, With Love and Laughter… Simran Singh

Simran Singh—a creative visionary, transformational catalyst, and humorist in the realms of metaphysics, spirituality, and motivation—is the award winning publisher of11:11 Magazine. She hosts the #1-rated, syndicated 11:11 Talk Radio on VoiceAmerica 7th Wave.  As author of Conversations with the Universe, Simran walks her talk by letting all go in order to live boldly during the experience of a “one-year, one woman live-streamed RV-tour around the country.” The Rebel Road  is her vision of freeing people from their self-imposed limitations to live life fearlessly, boldly, and in the full, passionate adventure of the heart’s desire to awaken the infinite possibility and creative flow that is our natural inheritance.www.ConversationsWithTheUniverse.com  www.Simran-Singh.com