
Each one of us is far greater than just a simple product of our DNA and upbringing. What we bring into this world, from across our lifetimes, has the most profound impact on every aspect of who we really are. Sheila Gillette channels the THEO group to explain how agreements made by the soul, before birth, influence DNA and affects the connections we make with family and friends in this interview with Regina Meredith originally webcast July 22, 2014.

Sheila Gillette is the world renowned spiritual medium and channel for the twelve archangels collectively known as Theo. She is the  co-author of, The Soul Truth: A Guide to Inner Peace and also authored the ground breaking book, The Fifth Dimension: Channels to a New Reality.  Theo’s wisdom teachings are widely recognized as being on the leading edge of human knowledge and are speaking through Sheila to guide humanity during this unprecedented shift to a higher state of consciousness. Sheila is also the co-host of the internationally acclaimed weekly internet radio show “Ask Theo Live”. She and Theo have also mentored many well-known teachers and visionaries and is credited in the Abraham-Hicks publications as being the catalyst for Esther’s opening to channeling Abraham.
