
This debut DVD from beloved vocalist Mama Doni offers a range of music styles all celebrating the Jewish holidays of Chanukah, Passover and Shabbat. Doni sings and dances and cooks as she shares stories about the history of these holidays and how to celebrate them. Eric Lindberg, her talented musician accompanies her on the guitar, dobro, ganjo, mandolin and ukele. As 11-year-old KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Canela R says, “I think what this film teaches families is that celebrating holidays is fun even if it is not your practiced religion.” See her full review below.

Mama Doni’s Jewish Holiday Party: By KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Canela R

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Video review by Gerry O here and Keefer B here.


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Do you know what Chanukah, Passover and Shabbat are?  Whether or not you do, you’ll have a blast watching Mama Doni in this very fun three-episode Holiday Party DVD.

This DVD is great for when you want to celebrate a Jewish holiday but you don’t know how. Doni tells you everything you need to know about getting into the holiday spirit – the Jewish Holiday Spirit, as she takes you through the Winter Holiday of Chanukah, the spring holiday of Passover and the weekly holiday of Shabbat.

The main character, of course, is Mama Doni. She has many friends, young and old, that pop in throughout the show.  But she is the star!  We learn about all three holidays thru some new takes on old Jewish songs as well as some new songs.  They are all upbeat and fun to listen to.  She also tells many great stories as she guides us through her kitchen and shares some wonderful recipes on classic dishes like latkes, challah bread and a new one I wouldn’t call an old classic but something that I sure want to try – matzo pizza!

My 8-year-old sister and I were so inspired that we made the Challah Bread and the Latkes right away.  They were both very delicious!

I like the lighting and how it compliments Mama Doni’s face.  She is such an energetic and appealing host. With all the movement going on, the camera man does a great job by giving us clear and steady shots. I also enjoyed the editing because it isn’t too fast or too slow and I like seeing Mama Doni in different settings and outfits.

I think what this film teaches families is that celebrating holidays is fun even if it is not your practiced religion.  I’d even say these three episodes have nothing to do with religion at all as it celebrates the Jewish Culture and not whose God you believe in.

I give this show 5 out of 5 stars because it is lively and there is never a dull moment.

I think this film is appropriate for all ages because you can watch these three episodes and learn new interesting stuff with your family that you have never experienced before.

Mama Doni’s Jewish Holiday Party is available on DVD.

KIDSFIRST! Coming Attractions is a weekly radio show hosted by eighteen KIDS FIRST!
Film Critics, ages 7 to 16. These critics win a spot as a KIDS FIRST! Film
Critic through a national competition held annually. They review new films and
DVDs, attend Red Carpet events and premieres and interview talent on and off the
Red Carpet. KIDS FIRST!, a program of the 22-year-old Coalition for Quality
Children’s Media, is the country’s most valued source for reviews of children’s
media. As a national, nonprofit organization, KIDS FIRST! teaches children
critical viewing skills and engages them as jurors to evaluate, rate and review
films, DVDs, TV shows, music, games and apps.  – See more at: