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The test of time is not ‘What can I survive? Achieve? Move beyond?’ You are not here to pass the test of time. Too many are passing time now. The test of time is the experience of timelessness. Can you stop all the time? And be timeless? Most of all … Can you step out of the story? The mind is meant to make up stuff! It will ed you down many roads, lots of paths and every direction. However you can stop and ask which way to go! Simply travel 13″down into the High Way of the heart!


In Love, Of Love, With Love… Simran  

Simran Singh, award winning publisher of 11:11 Magazine & 11:11 Talk Radio, has released a powerful new book, Conversations With The Universe, guiding how signs, symbols and synchronicity are the way the world speaks to us. Simran states, ‘You are not on a journey, YOU are the journey!’ Readers of Conversations With The Universe receive FREE support videos, meditations and audios at:
www.ConversationsWithTheUniverse.com – www.simran-singh.com