The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables is health and lifestyle expert Devin Alexander’s first book for children. Geared towards toddlers and preschoolers, the delightfully illustrated book entices little ones to open their eyes (and their mouths) to the heroic possibilities of a myriad of delicious vegetables, setting them up to be healthy humans and also help set parents up for peace in the kitchen!
KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Nyara A. comments, “The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables is an educational and charming children’s book that instructs children about vegetables and their benefits while also making healthy eating relatable and fun. I love how each vegetable is used to introduce a new concept related to health.” Eshaan M. adds, “The illustrations by Michele Pederson add character and vibrancy to the storytelling by Alexander, and they gave me a shot of nostalgia — as I read The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables, I remembered all the fun picture books I used to love!” Gavin S. adds, “The structure of the book is awesome. t held my attention from start to end with all the interesting facts. It’s an awesome way to encourage kids to eat healthy foods. The book, which gives vegetables different names to call them, explains how different vegetables benefit your body and mind.” Sydney S. wraps it up with, “The message of this book is that vegetables can really make positive changes in your body, and give you your own “superpowers!” Knowing this, kids can be genuinely excited to eat a healthier diet. It’s a fantastic, unique way to encourage kids to eat things that they may not normally want to.” See their full written and videotaped reviews below.
The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables By Nyara A., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 14

The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables is an educational and charming children’s book that instructs children about vegetables and their benefits while also making healthy eating relatable and fun. I love how each vegetable is used to introduce a new concept related to health. My favorite illustration is a cute carrot checking a kid’s vision on an eye chart!
There are two pages dedicated to each vegetable – one a drawing, and one a description with a related cartoon. All 12 of the vegetables are uniquely associated with a different activity or action like tennis, swimming, and healing.
The illustrations are engaging and cater to kids who are learning to read and children who enjoy colorful images. The images are a great way to get kids interested in vegetables they might normally avoid. The language in the book is simple, but there are a few words that preschoolers may not understand, yet allows them to learn new vocabulary such as “fate,” “sluggish,” and “bask.”

As we all know, children’s books with rhymes are just that much better, and the rhyming phrases in each stanza are fun and memorable. Each page has a different kid featured that your child may relate to. As a tennis lover, I would have enjoyed the beet playing tennis when I was younger. Children love naming inanimate objects, so the alliterative names for each of the vegetables are fun and catchy.

This book caters to children who are just learning to read and pronounce words as well as children who will enjoy a fun bedtime story. If parents want a cute and educational book to read to their kids (or if you kids refuse to eat vegetables) this is great!
I give The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 2 to 5. It is available wherever books are sold.
The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables By Eshaan M., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 16

The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables is an engaging and colorful book that teaches toddlers and preschoolers that eating healthy can be fun!
Health and lifestyle expert Devin Alexander’s first book for children, The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables, assigns each major vegetable a different persona. For example, Cayenne Carrot has such good vision that she hardly needs a flashlight at night. The rhyming style of writing is perfect for young audiences!

The illustrations by Michele Pederson add character and vibrancy to the storytelling by Alexander, and they gave me a shot of nostalgia — as I read The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables, I remembered all the fun picture books I used to love! Alexander is a New York Times bestselling author, and part of that stems from her knowledge of her audience. Although this is her first book for children, she hits the mark perfectly. It is such a smart idea to make vegetables into little characters and give them superpowers, so toddlers and preschoolers will be interested!

The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables obviously promotes eating healthy, but also asks “why” before doing so, and helps us understand how each vegetable we eat can help us.
I give The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 5 to 8. The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables releases January 24, 2023.
The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables By Gavin S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 10

The most appealing thing about the book The Land Of Secret Superpower is the hook, and how it makes me want to read more. I particularly enjoyed the part when they list the powers each vegetable gives you.
The book The Land Of Secret Superpowers is about the benefits of eating healthy. It starts with a group of kids who are friends with vegetables. The story is told by a narrator outside of the story who talks about the vegetables, and the things they do for you.
The structure of the book is awesome. It held my attention from start to end with all the interesting facts. It’s an awesome way to encourage kids to eat healthy foods. The book, which gives vegetables different names to call them, explains how different vegetables benefit your body and mind. For example, Scarlet Sweet Potato gives kids more endurance which means lots more time to play outside. Beets make you jump high which is good for sports. Avocados make you move fast, which is good for things like track.

Mushrooms can help improve your mood; so if you’re sad, eat some. Spinach makes you super strong, so you can lift heavy stuff. All these great benefits you can get from eating vegetables are great, and there are even more benefits from lots of other vegetables, so make sure you eat your vegetables and eat healthy. The facts throughout the book are pretty accurate; all the “superpowers” they can give you are true. The vocabulary is good for the target age group. One special feature is the amount of color and all the various types. The book is laid out well for preschoolers and is easy to read.

The message of the book is to encourage kids to make healthier food choices. Many kids do not eat healthy foods these days, and this book shows the benefits of healthier foods.
I give The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 2 to 5. It is available wherever books are sold.
The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables By Sydney S., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 12

I really enjoyed the children’s book, The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables. It’s full of helpful, interesting information that can benefit your body and mind through your diet.
The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables is about the numerous foods, especially vegetables, that your body positively reacts to. Each vegetable targets a certain part of the body. For instance, tomatoes boost height, while spinach increases strength. Each kid incorporated has a story relating to a particular vegetable.

I love that this book incorporates rhyme and alliteration. This exposes children to new language styles that will be used in school and beyond. My favorite parts of the book are the drawings, which express how the kids in the book are having a blast with the help of vegetables. Along with entertaining imagery, this book provides important information about healthy food choices. Ever wondered why you felt energized after eating a certain type of food? You probably ate mushrooms! The way the author, Devin Alexander, balances all these key points in this children’s book is very impressive and astonishing. Parents might benefit from reading this book too – less forcing your kid to eat vegetables. Devin Alexander is known for her culinary work; she is a celebrity chef and has been a New York Times bestselling cookbook author three times.

The message of this book is that vegetables can really make positive changes in your body, and give you your own “superpowers!” Knowing this, kids can be genuinely excited to eat a healthier diet. It’s a fantastic, unique way to encourage kids to eat things that they may not normally want to.
I give The Land of Secret Superpowers: Vegetables 4 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 2 to 8. It is available wherever books are sold online and in stores beginning January 24, 2023.