When the lights go out at the mall, the BotBots come out to play. Meet a fun-loving crew of everyday objects that morph into robots at closing time. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic Tiana S. comments, “A cheeseburger, soccer ball, flashlight and even a plunger … the Transformers are back like you’ve never seen them! They may be smaller robots than what we usually see, but these bots are still more than what meets the eye…” See her full review below.
Transformers: BotBots
By Tiana S. KIDS FIRST! Film Critic, age 11
A cheeseburger, soccer ball, flashlight and even a plunger … the Transformers are back like you’ve never seen them! They may be smaller robots than what we usually see, but these bots are still more than what meets the eye in the upcoming new series, Transformers: BotBots, named and based off the toy line of the same name. You’ll enjoy relatable characters, hilarious adventures and great friendships in the first comedy in the Transformers franchise.
Transformers: BotBots follows everyday objects that turn into mini robots at night after a substance called Energon hits the mall. Things get interesting when “The Lost Bots” from the lost and found section of the mall run into the mall guard as they strive to get back into their original squads. Will they be able to prove that they are worthy of being part of their original groups or will they stay lost forever?
Burgertron (James Harnett) is the main protagonist of the Netflix series Transformers: BotBots. He is a burger transformer, the former leader of the Food Court Squad and leader of the “Lost Bots.” The rest of the “Lost Bot” team are Kikmee the soccer ball (Lisa Norton), Dimlit the flashlight (Devan Christian Mack), Clog stopper the plunger (Christian Potenza and Bonz-eye the Bonsai plant (Louisa Zhu). Most of the adventures take place as the “Lost Bots” try to avoid the flesh being, Dave the Mall Guard (Mark Little). I love how, throughout the entire series, each episode is a new adventure and picks up where the previous one left off — almost like a movie. One of my favorite characters is Bonz-eye because she is fierce, carries a cool Katana and is the perfect representation of girl empowerment. The series is really funny, especially when Bonz-eye tries to slingshot Burgertron to save another bot and does it with enough force to cause his toppings to spill out.
Transformers: BotBots is about not focusing so much on the negative or changes that happen in your life. The “Lost Bots” were so focused on reconnecting with their original squads that they forgot to take time to appreciate the new friendships they had with each other. Sometimes you just have to stop and enjoy what life gives you.
I give Transformers: BotBots 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 8 to 13, plus adults. It really has something for everyone, and you can stream it now on Netflix.
Trailer: https://youtu.be/q0QFMaVhwiU
Keywords: Kevin Burke, Chris “Doc” Wyatt, Alan Denton, Greg Hahn, Taneka Stott’s, Hanah Lee Cook, Merrill Hagan, Rose Bueno, Jacquie Menville, Paul O’Flanagan, Louisa Zhu, James Hartnett, Christian Potenza, Mark Little, Deven Mack, Lisa Norton, Joseph Motiki, Josette Jorge