What’s An Intervention?

Many of you have heard about the popular TV show titled, “The Interventionist.” It’s an emotionally charged program that chronicles the lives of addicts and their families as they deal with the ravages of addiction to drugs or alcohol. At some point, family members feel as though they have exhausted every conceivable resource to get their loved one the help he or she needs.

During the show, you’ll observe families during times of desperation, concerned that they are unable to convince their loved one that he or she is lost (and potentially dying) to an addiction. You’ll be glued to your seat as you watch a specially trained interventionist step in to do what no one has been able to do up to this point – convince the addict to go to rehab.

You can’t help but wonder – Is the hit show, “The Interventionist,” that has millions of dedicated viewers, a truly accurate depiction of the face of addiction today? Do you find yourself wondering if the TV program accurately portrays the necessary steps to an intervention that leads to successful treatment and recovery? Maybe, it’s just half-truths, media tactics and good acting that create an awesome show with a killer following, but perhaps it misses the mark on portraying what an intervention really is and how to have one for someone you care about.

The truth is, no two interventions happen the same way and no two outcomes will ever be the same. How do you know that it’s time to enlist the help of an interventionist? The following questions will help you decide:

– Do you feel like your spinning your wheels and unable to convince your loved one that addiction is ruining his or her life?

– Has your loved one started to show signs of disinterest in things that matter most, i.e., friends, family, hobbies, career, etc.?

– Is your loved one dabbling in risky behaviors to get high or obtain drug of choice and seemingly unaware or unconcerned of consequences?

– Is your loved one lying, stealing or engaging in illegal activities to get their drug of choice?

– Do you ever wonder whether or not you may be enabling your loved one through co-dependent or attachment behaviors?

If you said yes to any of these questions, then you should consider looking to an interventionist for guidance into how to have meaningful and convincing talks that (sometimes) lead to treatment for drug or alcohol abuse.

Interventionists are not miracle workers, and they can’t cure your family member addicted to drugs or alcohol. You may have to pay for their services and be prepared to have some uncomfortable (but necessary) pre-talks before the intervention to learn about how you might be contributing to the problem. Additionally, there’s no guarantee that after the intervention takes place that your loved one will agree to go treatment, and if they do, they might relapse shortly after.

So, since there are no guarantees, why bother with an intervention at all?

Because – “Desperate times call for desperate measures.” When you reach the point of realization that what your doing isn’t working, it’s time to consider a different approach.

Will an intervention be the tool that saves your loved one’s life? No one can say for sure. We do know that interventionists are often able to connect with addicts in ways that friends and families members cannot. By using candid yet empathetic language that sends a powerful message of hope and recovery, these experienced professionals have a depth of knowledge and insight that might convince your loved one to get the help they desperately need.

If you’re thinking about an intervention, you’ll need to start looking into a quality drug rebab center. Check out (the benefits of inpatient drug rehab) – [anchor text & link http://blog.landmarkrecovery.com/the-benefits-of-inpatient-drug-rehab] for more information.