Have you ever had a sense that it’s time for a big change? Many of us do, yet often it can seem too enormous to take that first step. You may put off change many times – perhaps thinking that it would just be too difficult or you will get to it someday when the children are older or you have more money at hand. And unlike someone who desires things to always remain the same, you have made smaller changes. Do bigger choices seem intimidating? . Perhaps it could be leaving a job you have outgrown, beginning or ending a relationship. Maybe you would like to move to a different country or begin a new business or even finish a college or high school degree. What if it didn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming? What if it didn’t mean working harder, longer and suffering to create an extremely different life for yourself? What if you had some profoundly powerful tools that could create a different reality with more ease than you have ever thought was possible? Join Heather Nichols and Blossom Benedict as they share some of their favorite tools create those big changes in life with ease, speed, a sense of joy, creativity and potency!
Big Choice, Big Change By Heather Nichols