Flower Alchemist, Katie Hess, & Flower Whisperer, Beth Bell come together on The Beth Bell Radio Show to talk about how flowers can impact our lives in ways you may not expect. The Power of Flowers are speaking to our souls in a new evolution and revolution that can shift and transform us. Energy, frequencies and vibrations are all part of the magic of Mother Nature when it comes to flower elixirs + essences. Learn how the special formulations created by Katie Hess, founder of LotusWei can evoke the precise feelings you want to experience. There’s 15+ years of study and observation behind the products — and the effects are nothing short of miraculous. In her book Flower Evolution you’ll learn about the magic properties of flowers and experience incredible photographs taken by Louie Shwartzberg who’s the founder of Moving Art. Listen in and hear how you can blossom your bliss and bloom into your full potential.
Transforming the world through Flowers! By Beth Bell