What is marketing really, and what does it have in common with myth and legend? In the most recent episode of The Soulcial Hour with Frances Leary, we will head down south to the swamps of Louisiana and go back in time to our hostâs first search for a swamp monster that would pave her way for developing a unique folkloric approach to marketing. With special guest and folklorist, Ian Brodie, we will explore the viral nature of how contemporary legend spreads through social media and look at how an organization can use marketing to generate similar viral results. Discover the folkloric marketing principles that turn brands into legends.
Ian Brodie is an Associate Professor in Folkore at Cape Breton University and an expert on the intersections of folklore, popular culture, verbal wordplay and stand-up comedy. He has served as President of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada and is the co-editor of Contemporary Legend, the journal of the International Society for Contemporary Legend Research. Ian is the author of A Vulgar Art and Old Trout Funnies: The Comic Origins of the Cape Breton Liberation Army, both available on Amazon. He also co-hosts Sweet, the Candy Podcast, which you can access at www.sweetpodcast.com. You can connect with Ian through his website www.AVulgarArt.com or on Twitter @AVulgarArt.
Fact or Folklore: The Legend of Marketing By Frances Leary