Doubt means “a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction.” Even today I have moments of doubt. I sometimes struggle with things I cannot control namely other peoples free will. This is more than evident as I parent our wonderful little boy as he is healing from PTSD. And sometimes after a struggle with something uncontrollable, do you notice your fears enticing your feelings of self doubt. As in my past, I witness my clients experiencing the same struggle of doubts and stuck feelings sometimes daily. Those days I experience what I call M3 (Marni Meltdown Moment/s)where my fear has gotten hold of me and negative talk creeps in. It happens to all of us at one point or another. So what do you do to help yourself through it? How do you DANCE in the Rain?
I wish I had a magic wand to wave and say…POOF, all is peaceful and healed. While I don’t have a wand, I have 6 Simple, yet extraordinary solutions that changed my life (I still use them today) and change my clients lives:
These first 3 I named, The Daily 3. Gratitude, Intention, Affirmation: listing 3 under each.
Daily Gratitude: I know everyone these days is talking about gratitude and gratitude is “trending”. Did you ever think it is gaining steam around the globe because it is working? Daily say out loud/write down in a gratitude notebook what you are grateful for. Struggle to come up with new ones each day. What happens? Your vibes begin rising and when you are experiencing a delightful day, you’ll get higher. Yet when you experience an M3 day, gratitude begins raising your vibes moving away from stuck or negativity. I’ll get you started with a few: I am grateful for the air I breathe, my family, my friends, my body, my sanctuary aka home, my clients, the sun and its beautiful shine today…and more (keep going)
Daily Intention: Intentions are a guide, a map of where you want to go or how you want to be. Without a map or an intention, you may still get there or somewhere near OR you may end up in a completely different place. How many times have you said or heard: “I’m sorry that wasn’t my intention.” What did you intend? Intention is mindful. It brings to your mind, body and spirit the way you want to engage and interact with the world, your relationships, and yourself. Here is one to get you started: I intend to speak with kindness and honesty from my heart both to myself and people I encounter (this includes in person, on the phone and email). While this is typically how I roll anyway, my conscious intention keeps it fresh even when I begin feeling fear or negativity enter. I intend to stay focused today is another one I like. I sometimes get distracted by the shiny things, emails, etc. So focus for me and naming it helps me stay accountable to myself.
Daily Affirmation: I love these so much I do them when I wake up and before bed. Affirmations are what or who I am even if some of it is still in the want stage and I’m not fully there believing it yet. You have to be able to believe your affirmation is possible. That is super important. And they are always done from a positive voice. Here are a few for you: I am perfect health, I am grounded & balanced, I am happy, I am lighter.
Daily Meditation: Meditation doesn’t have to be what you think. Meditation can rewire your brain. Science is proving it. You don’t have to sit if that isn’t your thing. There are so many ways to make this work in your lifestyle. I have worked with clients who meditate washing dishes, running, mowing the lawn and more. This is about time for you. Your mind will not shut off, but you will give your ego mind permission to quiet with gratitude so your heart and intuition can be heard more easily. Those moments give you clarity, raise your vibe, can help you sleep, can help lower pressure and more. Give yourself at least 3 minutes. And when you have more time expand it longer. For me, meditation smooth’s me out and raises my vibes. The clarity I gain helps me see even more possibilities for situations.
Daily Love of myself: Daily love is naming 3 things you love about yourself. I love my laugh, my eyes and my big heart. This was harder for me in the beginning. My eyes was the first thing I could name and it felt awkward at the beginning like I was conceited. Yet, I easily complimented my friends and family, even strangers about themselves. So struggle through this and don’t give up. If you were meeting you, what would you love?
Daily Body moving & self care: Get up off the sofa. You don’t have to run a marathon or do a heavy work out. Go for a walk around the block. Walk at a swift pace through your house, the mall, a parking lot, etc. Do yoga at home or in community. Ask a friend to walk dogs with you, etc. Park a little further away from the store and walk extra. And then get dressed, shower and nourish your body. Each of these things will raise your vibes. Even if you start out stomping, the oxygen to your blood will help those happy endorphins begin to create in your body.
Whether your feeling stuck daily and doubting yourself daily or you just have moments. These 6 extraordinary solutions will change your life if you are daring enough to commit and eager to feel better.
If you are one of those daring, eager and committed souls and you are ready move toward grabbing happiness by the arm everyday and leaving stuck, doubt and pain behind and maybe your ready to start a meditation practice or take yours up a notch, then we should talk. Sign up for a complimentary call with me. I want to know what you are ready to leave behind and what you are ready to walk through the door towards and how what I do can support and help you.
YES, I want to Heal My Sh#t, please call me (complete this form by clicking here
How Do you Dance in the Rain? By Marni