Did you know recent studies have stated that LESS THAN 5% OF THE WORLD IS HEALTHY? Meaning, not on medication and complaining of chronic symptoms. Wow, thatâs staggering. So what is making us oh so sick? Thatâs our topic this week with Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker. T.V show hosts of Your Health (check out their past shows here on YouTube) and creators of Bio Innovations www.bioinnovations.net
Letâs get to the nitty gritty and the facts that our reliance on prescription drugs, our diet, our air, water, how we treat and grow our food, to the common household cleaners are in fact, making us sick. But the good news, we can do something about it! Learn tips and tricks on how to be mindful about getting and staying healthy.
Donât forget to call or email in with any of your questions for the Beckers who love to speak to people desiring to attain health and happiness! It is our mission and prayer for everyone to be engaged in embracing true health.
What is making us sick?! By Dr. John and Linda Gonino