3/16/16 – From Novice to Expert
“Do or do not. There is no try.” Yoda
You are already an expert if you drop the story that you are not. Tune into Being Here with Ariel & Shya Kane and discover how to go from Novice to Expert in an instant. Callers welcome at Tel# 1-866-472-5795!
Listen Live this Wednesday, March 16th at 9am PST / 12pm EST on the VoiceAmerica 7th Wave Channel.
NOTE: Sunday, March 13 is Daylight Savings Time in the US. This means that on March 16 & 23, Being Here will air one hour earlier in Europe: 5pm Central European Time & 4pm in the UK.
After this Wednesday, you can stream or download this episode and over 400 episodes on a wide variety of topics from our archives here.
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