
Cheryl Esposito welcomes Melanie DewBerry, the “Soul Coach,” co-creator of “Choice” magazine for coaches, a “wordologist,” & educator in the power of language to shape our sense of self. Melanie says we have a problem today: intelligence trumps wisdom. And without wisdom, there is no guidance. We have forgotten how to learn from our elders, from the storied words, from the essence of experiences; and then to weave that learning with the data, facts, & logic to inform actions. We have forgotten the language of our soul, our sacred self & our purpose in the world. Melanie has a master’s degree in Asian Economic Development & Political Risk. In China she taught graduate business students & worked with the government on the pricing of goods in Latin America. She studied multiple languages, was a pioneer in the field of coaching, & mentors master coaches around the world. And…she wants us to flex our wisdom muscle. Join Cheryl Esposito & Melanie DewBerry to learn the language of the soul!

Tune in every Friday at 10am PST to Leading Conversations.