
On Tuesday, we kicked off my new radio show on Voice America called, “Beyond Abuse, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Anything.”

I declared that “the revolution is here.”

Being in this conversation about childhood sexual abuse is a revolution! We’re talking about a topic that has been shunned, dismissed, and hidden for far too long.

By speaking about this, and bringing forth the secrets, we are putting an end to the silence. We are putting an end to the shame. And we are creating a whole new possibility for moving beyond abuse.

I want you to be able to benefit from the insights, tips, and tools that I shared on the live show. So here are some gems from the revolutionary conversation:

The events of abuse get locked in your body and block you from living a joyful life. This is why it feels like you’re locked in an invisible cage that doesn’t have a key… your body has become the cage, holding in all these secrets, memories, and fear.

Your body also takes on energies, emotions, and beliefs that belong to your perpetrator.

You know that constant feeling of shame you carry around, like you’re the one who has done something wrong?

This doesn’t belong to you: it belongs to the person or people who abused you.

On the show I introduced listeners to something called “The Clearing Statement,” which is an Access Consciousness tool. This releases these energies that aren’t yours from your body.

I used this tool on the show to support callers in releasing old trauma and abuse that has been stored in their bodies for decades. Both the callers and the listeners benefit from this powerful tool.

In abuse, you aren’t asked… your body is invaded without your permission or consent.

As a result, as an adult you end up dismissing what you know to be true for you.

On the show I shared a couple of tools to that help you listen to what is true for you so you can make decisions from this empowered place.

I refer to these 2 tools as: (the one of increasing awareness – 500 million miles…) and “Light and Heavy.”

For more information about these tools and how to use them, listen to the recording of the show, “Beyond Abuse, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Anything”:

You don’t need to continue living like this: like you’re locked in an invisible cage. You can choose to change this. Once you make that choice, you can always be free.

What do you choose?


Join us for our weekly interactive shows and learn how to move beyond childhood sexual abuse to create a more meaningful and joyful life.

In our show, you’ll learn how pervasive abuse is, and how it may be impacting your life today. You’ll also discover the possibilities that arise when this topic, shrouded in so much shame, is brought into the mainstream conversation.

Dr. Lisa will interview top leaders to provide expert input on different areas of abuse. You don’t need to be a slave to your abuse anymore. Instead, join us for this show and discover the key to unlocking yourself from the invisible cage you’ve been living in, so you can move forward to create a limitless life for yourself. Beyond Abuse, Beyond Therapy, Beyond Anything is broadcast live every Tuesday at 10 AM Pacific Time, on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.