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Okay. So here’s the scoop. Here’s the skinny. If it doesn’t make your brain fire, you are going to get bored, angry, and then you will stop. I don’t care what it is you are doing. That’s just it.

In Fitness; “i” is for Interesting and the “t” is for Tough. What I have found in my years of training is that people stop being and/or trying to be fit because their minds go numb. What people fail to realize is that their interest falls within a continuum. In general, people understand that if something doesn’t make their mind work, more-so to the point, if they don’t want to do something they either will not do it, or, if they have been doing it then they will stop because it does not captivate their desires. Now here’s the kicker. Most people get that if something isn’t challenging enough then they get that they are, will be, under stimulated; however, what people don’t get is that if things are too challenging that their brain will be over stimulated and shutdown, thereby, causing a lack of stimulation. Crazy I know, true none-the-less.

Something I hope people will get over is the whole, “I know it’s my first day, and everything you said I can do now” attitude. Not sorry to tell you, no you probably cannot. Now note, I am not saying don’t push yourself. I do state that you do need to push yourself.  You need to make sure that you stay above the “bored” state; however, people need to be mindful that they do not take on a challenge so great, beyond their current skill set, that they find the challenge daunting and unachievable causing a stop of a state of commitment, or not even starting a state of commitment because the challenge is too high. People want to run so what they do is try to run a quarter marathon the first day and give-up because it is too hard. Well yeah! You’ve been sitting and not moving for that past x-amount of years. Why would you think you could do something so far out of you skill-set? Well the answer is ignorance, look-up the definition those of you that just got offended because someone just said that someone could be/is ignorant. Ignorance is absents of knowledge that someone was never aware of in the first place. That is neither positive nor negative, it just is.  Ignorance causes people to do things that if they knew different they would not attempt or do. To make and decision from a state of ignorance doesn’t make one stupid; however, knowing that there are others that are more knowledgeable than one’s self and not adhering to their advice does.

There has to be a great challenge; however, not so great that one gives up.  Here is where I give my definition of goals and challenges.  Goals are long-term achievements and challenges are what keep us moving forward in our pursuits of our goals.  Example: a person can set a goal for running 5K in 3 months; the challenge is running 4 to 5 times a week to reach the goal.  Too many people use goals as short-term situations and think of challenges as problems, those are not the ways I believe one should think of challenges and goals.  Think about a football field.  The end-zones are 100 yards a part, the challenge is to make it down the field, inch by inch, yard by yard.  The goal is to make it to the end-zone to score.  If we set low standards for our goals, only gaining a yard, then we become underwhelmed.  Also, if we make our challenges too great, we become overwhelmed.  After learning the difference between goals and challenges; keeping fitness interesting and tough becomes easy.

So when getting into something, make sure it is interesting and tough so that you can easily understand why you are doing it and you stay excited about doing it!

 For more information Winston’s his martial arts academy please visit Internal Magnification.  

Winston Price, Executive Producer, has over a decade and a half of marketing, advertising and public relations experience. He began his business career in 1995 and is a graduate of Indiana University Bloomington. Winston also is a master martial artist and personal trainer with over 2 decades of knowledge and experience. Winston runs his own school, Internal Magnification Martial Arts, where he focuses on helping people reach their personal goals of health and fitness via At-Home personal training with martial foci of Taekwondo, Tai Chi Ch’uan, Hapkido and Ba Gua Zhang. As an executive producer for VoiceAmerica, Winston utilizes his skills in business and personal training to help new and existing hosts maximize their opportunity with the VoiceAmerica Talk Radio Network by supporting his hosts with the business and personal aspects of creating and developing their show. Winston believes that each host brings their own flavor to the Network. By properly coaching and motivating his hosts, they are able to produce THEIR show with THEIR style and THEIR passion being at the forefront of every broadcast.