Let Go of the Past
Of course! Let go of the past is easier said than done. To finally achieve a place and time where we can see the horrible events in our lives that took us to a place where we actually continued to hurt ourselves, is never an easy realization. The fact that we are in the here and now ready to take the challenge of looking at the tragedy head on, is perfect. Getting to a moment where we realize that we allowed our own suffering by staying stuck in the moment.  Finding ourselves in this numb state of mind and detached from all the good we deserve, made it almost impossible to see how we promoted our own deterioration. Keeping the past in the present was a constant reminder of how we had been robbed of all the good in our life. We chose to live in the horrific tragedy day in and day out. Almost expecting more bad things showing up in our lives. How did this spiral into being our life? How could this possibly happen? There must be more to life than this. The good news is that all of it was necessary. To go through a moment where someone hurt you so deeply by the hatred they carried toward you, by the malicious intention someone had to destroy you or the actual physical violation of someone imposing force to actually take a part of you without permission. They are all tragedies that filled us with a sense of loss and inner death. How despicable for one person to think it is okay to take another’s will and violate any level of honor or respect, taking it from us. That is right! It is not your fault that someone else came to take something that never belonged to them. Yes! It was horrible what they did!!!! Now the choice is do we continue the violation to continue to be repeated or do we choose to let go of this life changing event that has nearly killed us? Do we have it in us to let it go? If we let it go, do we accept that what has been done unto us was okay. Not at all! By letting go we finally decide to have our life back. The same life that we are worthy of enjoying and living to its fullest. The life filled with opportunity to take our horrible event and decide we will not be victims of the hardship anymore. The life that has been a gift for us to find our purpose and serve the world with love and understanding. We can have it all as long as we let go of the moment or events in our life that broke us to a near destruction. It is up to us to choose life over our own death. To choose love over hatred and resentment. To choose self-confidence and self worth over shame and deterioration. To choose inner peace over feeling shattered and disoriented. It’s truly the time to choose you over being the victim. We are the only ones who can truly offer and invoke healing upon our soul. Letting go of the past is the gift we get to accept in order for the healing process to be achieved.

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