What a revelation to know that you already have everything you need to succeed…all just waiting to be accessed deep within your core. Jim Cary was once a struggling actor and he believed in this idea so much that he wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars. A few years later, he was able to cash that check. This shows the power of our beliefs. This is not one random coincidence. We are the creators of our thinking and therefore, we have the power to shift our reality and ultimately, our destiny.
It is only our inaccurate limited beliefs that hold us back in life. When we are able to recognize that these beliefs are actually what prevent us from striving to achieve our dreams, we can discover how simply changing our beliefs can shift the entire course of our journey in life.

Here are 3 steps to shift your thinking today:

1. Examine the areas of your life where you are selling yourself short.

2. Select one are where you desire greater fulfillment.

3. Take action. Pick one simple act a day to start taking to demonstrate your belief in higher expectations for yourself.

Tune in Monday’s at 7am PST to Intentional Living.