Dr. Karen Wyatt

Karen Wyatt worked with hospice patients. In the end, they taught her the lessons of dying, but also the lessons of living. Applying those lessons to her own life, she became a fierce advocate for the spiritual importance of facing death so that we can truly live life! Through her book, What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of the Dying, and her widely respected End of Life University, Karen Wyatt teaches us how to infuse our lives with meaning and purpose now, and all the way to our deaths.

Dr. Karen Wyatt author of the book What Really Matters: 7 Lessons for Living from the Stories of the Dying, spent most of her 25-year career in medicine caring for patients in challenging settings such as nursing homes, hospices, free clinics and homeless shelters. Her work with patients who were facing the end of life inspired her to write What Really Matters, which describes the spiritual lessons she learned from her hospice patients.

Join Cheryl Jones on Good Grief to hear her interview with Dr Karen Wyatt